Easy To Carry Anywhere, Ideal Usage: School, Office, College
Note that the lids are not 100% leak proof leakproof because they contain no plastic or synthetic materials.
This particular series is manufactured by keeping in mind, all the must-have aesthetics of today's focused expectation. A base which is wobble free & uniform, a smooth edged and premium shined product will always sparkle the pearl in everyone's eye. Having the foundation of such strong features, we feel happy to declare A LIFE TIME GUARANTEE on all of our offerings in the series against any manufacturing defect. So let everyone feel jealous about what they do not have on their table and let you take all the credit of this wonderful ownership.
Easy To Carry Anywhere, Ideal Usage: School, Office, College
Note that the lids are not 100% leak proof leakproof because they contain no plastic or synthetic materials.
This particular series is manufactured by keeping in mind, all the must-have aesthetics of today's focused expectation. A base which is wobble free & uniform, a smooth edged and premium shined product will always sparkle the pearl in everyone's eye. Having the foundation of such strong features, we feel happy to declare A LIFE TIME GUARANTEE on all of our offerings in the series against any manufacturing defect. So let everyone feel jealous about what they do not have on their table and let you take all the credit of this wonderful ownership.